Mining hotel

We'll place your miner in a data centre, taking care of delivery, setup and maintenance. No renting space or installing noisy equipment at home.
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Mining hotel

Ideal microclimate

О майнинг отеле
  • Direct air cooling to protect against overheating.
  • Automatic supply of cold air and removal of hot air thanks to sensors.
  • Filtration system for cleaning air from dust.
О майнинг отеле

Stable power supply

Official electricity from JSC AtomEnergoSbyt
Individual accounting for each client - pay only for what you consume.
Affordable cost - from 4.6 rubles
kWh/hour with VAT depending on the tariff
We are always there
We ensure uninterrupted operation of your equipment around the clock, including weekends and holidays
We quickly detect and fix problems using our own monitoring system
Technical support is available to answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
The data center is located in a guarded facility with 24/7 video surveillance and a closed entrance for unauthorized persons
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